Enhanced formatting

Providing the most professional levels of presentation is critical to successfully delivering information to both internal and external audiences and reinforcing your brand.

For organisations looking for finer control over formatting, the Enhanced formatting option enables highly customised, personalised and professional printing of browser‑based content. Enhanced formatting allows HTML snippets to be used within headers and footers, as well as delivering an enhanced page range specification.

The Enhanced formatting option is included with all ScriptX.Services licenses and requires version 2.8 or later. For ScriptX.Add-on licensees Enhanced formatting requires ScriptX v7 or later and Internet Explorer 8 or later. It is a replacement for MaxiPT. MaxiPT is still available for those still dealing with older browsers.

Benefits of Enhanced formatting
  • Allows HTML snippets/images to be easily incorporated within headers and footers
  • Different headers and footers on the first page
  • Provides ability to vary header or footer dimensions for all pages or first pages only
  • Gives greater control over page range specification
Technical specifications

The following printing settings can be used:

Note: these settings are available to ScriptX.Services developers using  Meadco's ScriptX.Add-on emulation javascript libraries or as Ajax call parameters using the REST API approach.


ScriptX.Add-on: see the Enhanced formatting section of the Technical Reference. These settings are also available to ScriptX.Services developers using the  ScriptX.Add-on emulation javascript libraries.

ScriptX.Services (REST API): see PrintHtml in the Technical Reference.


Multiline Headers and Footers


Note: lines are wrapped for legibility

                        function initFormatting() {

                            var ef = factory.printing.enhancedFormatting;

                            ef.allPagesHeader = "
                            <div style='border: 1pt solid red; font: bold 12pt Arial;
                                        background: threedface; color: navy; padding-Top: 5px; padding-Bottom: 6px;
                                        background-Image: url(http://support.meadroid.com/images/non_act_bg.jpg)'>
                                <center> --- Header for page <b> &p </b>---</i></center>

                            ef.allPagesFooter = "
                            <div style='border: 1pt solid red; font: bold 12pt Arial;
                                        background: threedface; color: navy; padding-Top: 5px; padding-Bottom: 6px;
                                        background-Image: url(http://support.meadroid.com/images/non_act_bg.jpg)'>
                                <center> --- Footer for page <b> &p </b> ---</i></center>

                            ef.firstPageHeader = "
                            <div style='border: 1pt solid red; font: bold 12pt Arial;
                                        background: threedface; color: white; padding-Top: 5px; padding-Bottom: 6px;
                                        background-Image: url(http://support.meadroid.com/images/act_bg.jpg)'>
                                <center> --- Header for page <b> &p </b>--- </center>

                            ef.firstPageFooter = "
                            <div style='border: 1pt solid red; font: bold 12pt Arial;
                                        background: threedface; color: white; padding-Top: 5px; padding-Bottom: 6px;
                                        background-Image: url(http://support.meadroid.com/images/act_bg.jpg)'>
                                <center> --- Footer for page <b> &p </b>--- </center>

                            ef.extraFirstPageFooter = "
                            <div style='color:red; font:bold 6pt Arial;'>
                                <img src='http://support.meadroid.com/support/sx_stat.gif'>
                                EXTRA FIRST PAGE FOOTER AS IMAGE<br />