Description (requires v7.1 or later)
Returns the installed version of MeadCo Security Manager as a dotted version string in the form <major>.<minor>.<hotfix>.<buildnumber>, e.g:
This is a read-only property.
v = factory.SecurityManagerVersion
- 'How To' Guides
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- Technical Reference
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- factory
- printing
- AddPrinterConnection
- BatchPrintPDF
- BatchPrintPDFEx
- bottomMargin
- collate
- copies
- currentPrinter
- DefaultPrinter
- disableUI
- duplex
- duplex2
- EnumJobs
- EnumPrinters
- footer
- GetJobsCount
- GetMarginMeasure
- header
- headerFooterFont
- IsSpooling
- IsTemplateSupported
- leftMargin
- onafterprint
- onbeforeprint
- onbeforeunload
- onpagesetup
- onuserpagesetup
- onuserprint
- onuserprintpreview
- orientation
- OwnQueue
- pageHeight
- PageSetup
- pageWidth
- paperSize
- paperSource
- paperSource2
- portrait
- Preview
- printBackground
- printer
- PrintHTML
- PrintHTMLEx
- PrintPDF
- PrintSetup
- printToFileName
- RemovePrinterConnection
- rightMargin
- SetMarginMeasure
- SetPageRange
- SetPreviewZoom
- SetPrintScale
- Sleep
- templateURL
- topMargin
- TotalPrintPages
- unprintableBottom
- unprintableLeft
- unprintableRight
- unprintableTop
- WaitForSpoolingComplete
- printerControl
- Job
- enhancedFormatting
- rawPrinting
- Change and history logs
- Articles