cancelJob (PUT)
Request to cancel (remove) a job as identified by the job token returned (as data.jobIdentifier) from a preceding /PrintHtml/print POST.
If the job is currently pre-processing for printing, it will be asked to stop. Once a job starts printing pages, it cannot be stopped. Jobs in the queue will be removed. Once cancelled the job status will be "Abandoned".
ScriptX.Services for Windows PC 2.10 or ScriptX Server 10.3 or later is required.
Applies to:
- ScriptX.Services for On-Premise Devices (Authorisation header is ignored)
- ScriptX.Services for Windows PC
Request parameters
jobToken (string, required)
- jobToken (string, required)
- The job identifier for the job being cancelled, as returned by a preceding POST to /PrintHtml/print.
Response model
JobStatus {
message (string, optional),
status (integer, optional): 0 = NotStarted, 1 = Queued, 2 = Starting, 3 = Downloading,
4 = Downloaded, 5 = Printing, 6 = Completed, 7 = Paused,
8 = PrintingPdf, 100 = Collected, 101 = CodeException,
102 = CompletedWaitingForCollection, -2 = Abandoned, -1 = ItemError,
jobIdentifier (string, optional)
- message (string, optional)
- String that may contain additional information regarding the current status of the job e.g. error description.
- status (integer, optional)
Integer that indicates the current status of the job identified in the API request jobToken parameter.
- 0
- Not Started - the job has not yet reached the ScriptX Server print queue.
- 1
- Queued - the job is waiting in the ScriptX Server print queue.
- 2
- Starting - the job is being analysed.
- 3
- Downloading - the content to be printed is downloading.
- 4
- Downloaded - the content has completed downloading and is ready to print.
- 5
- Printing - The HTML engine is printing the content.
- 6
- Completed - the content has been spooled to a physical printer and has completed processing by ScriptX Server and ScriptX.Services.
- 7
- Paused - the print queue is paused (this is not supported and will not occur).
- 8
- Printing- The PDF engine is printing the content.
- 100
- Collected - the output from printing to file has been collected and has completed processing by ScriptX Server and ScriptX.Services.
- 101
- CodeException - an exception occurred in the code. Please report full details to MeadCo.
- 102
- CompletedWaitingForCollection - the content has been printed to a file and is now awaiting collection by a call to the download endpoint. This is an internal status value that is not returned. The value 6 (Completed) will be returned. Note that the print endpoint will have returned a status stating whether the output is to a file or device.
- -1
- ItemError - an error occured while processing the job.
- -2
- Abandoned - the job was cancelled, was abandoned due to appearing to be stuck or had file output that has not been collected.
- jobIdentifier (string, optional)
- Returns the job token as confirmation of the request this is answering.