Description (requires ScriptX v7.1 or later)
This method is an enhanced version of BatchPrintPDF.
Downloads Adobe AcrobatTM or Microsoft OfficeTM files and prints them out in batch mode in the background. Any number of printouts can be queued.
For Microsoft OfficeTM files, BatchPrintPDF prints only on the default printer using default settings.
For Adobe AcrobatTM files, relevant current printing settings are used as described in the syntax section.
This updated functionality now requires v7.1 or later of ScriptX and an Enhanced PDF Printing license.
Please note that the spool-size of printed PDF documents when printing with an Enhanced PDF Printing license may be larger than expected with consequences for performance. Please evaluate whether performance is acceptable.
Use IsSpooling to check if there are any outstanding downloads in the queue created by BatchPrintPDF. Use WaitForSpoolingComplete to wait for all documents to be downloaded and spooled.
BatchPrintPDFEx is equivalent to BatchPrintPDF but adds progress callbacks so that the progress of printing can be monitored.
printing.BatchPrintPDFEx(url, callback, callbackdata)
Parameter | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
url | The url of the document to be printed. | ||||||||||||||||||
callback |
Specifies the function to call when various events occur during the processing of the queue entry.
Syntax: callback(status,statusData,callbackdata)
For Adobe AcrobatTM files and where an Enhanced PDF Printing license is available, the following printing settings are used:
- printing.printer
- printing.paperSize
- printing.paperSource
- printing.portrait
- printing.copies
- printing.collate
- printing.duplex
- printing.SetPrintScale(-1) the use of SetPrintScale(-1) enables “Shrink to Fit” of the printed output. Also, pages are rotated to fit on the output medium, and center on the page is set. Any other value given to SetPrintScale is ignored.
- printing.SetPageRange(false, startPage, endPage) to set a single range of pages to print
- printing.enhancedFormatting.pageRange to set a list of pages to print (requires ScriptX 7.3 or later)
These settings are used per file submitted to the batch, so each document can be printed using different settings, for example, each document to a different printer.