Returns the right unprintable page area (in current system measure units, inches or millimeters) for the current printer. It indicates the distance from the right edge of the page where no printing may occur.
This is a read-only property.
numMargin = printing.unprintableRight
- 'How To' Guides
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- Technical Reference
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- factory
- printing
- AddPrinterConnection
- BatchPrintPDF
- BatchPrintPDFEx
- bottomMargin
- collate
- copies
- currentPrinter
- DefaultPrinter
- disableUI
- duplex
- duplex2
- EnumJobs
- EnumPrinters
- footer
- GetJobsCount
- GetMarginMeasure
- header
- headerFooterFont
- IsSpooling
- IsTemplateSupported
- leftMargin
- onafterprint
- onbeforeprint
- onbeforeunload
- onpagesetup
- onuserpagesetup
- onuserprint
- onuserprintpreview
- orientation
- OwnQueue
- pageHeight
- PageSetup
- pageWidth
- paperSize
- paperSource
- paperSource2
- portrait
- Preview
- printBackground
- printer
- PrintHTML
- PrintHTMLEx
- PrintPDF
- PrintSetup
- printToFileName
- RemovePrinterConnection
- rightMargin
- SetMarginMeasure
- SetPageRange
- SetPreviewZoom
- SetPrintScale
- Sleep
- templateURL
- topMargin
- TotalPrintPages
- unprintableBottom
- unprintableLeft
- unprintableRight
- unprintableTop
- WaitForSpoolingComplete
- printerControl
- Job
- enhancedFormatting
- rawPrinting
- Change and history logs
- Articles