Event handler to be called when the current print or page setup settings are changed using the Internet Explorer Page Setup dialog.
Use it to update the page's user interface accordingly.
This is a read/write property.
printing.onpagesetup = function_object
- 'How To' Guides
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- Technical Reference
- ScriptX.Services
- Security Manager
- ScriptX.Add-on
- factory
- printing
- AddPrinterConnection
- BatchPrintPDF
- BatchPrintPDFEx
- bottomMargin
- collate
- copies
- currentPrinter
- DefaultPrinter
- disableUI
- duplex
- duplex2
- EnumJobs
- EnumPrinters
- footer
- GetJobsCount
- GetMarginMeasure
- header
- headerFooterFont
- IsSpooling
- IsTemplateSupported
- leftMargin
- onafterprint
- onbeforeprint
- onbeforeunload
- onpagesetup
- onuserpagesetup
- onuserprint
- onuserprintpreview
- orientation
- OwnQueue
- pageHeight
- PageSetup
- pageWidth
- paperSize
- paperSource
- paperSource2
- portrait
- Preview
- printBackground
- printer
- PrintHTML
- PrintHTMLEx
- PrintPDF
- PrintSetup
- printToFileName
- RemovePrinterConnection
- rightMargin
- SetMarginMeasure
- SetPageRange
- SetPreviewZoom
- SetPrintScale
- Sleep
- templateURL
- topMargin
- TotalPrintPages
- unprintableBottom
- unprintableLeft
- unprintableRight
- unprintableTop
- WaitForSpoolingComplete
- printerControl
- Job
- enhancedFormatting
- rawPrinting
- Change and history logs
- Articles